Pomegranate is one of the most unique and delicious fruits ever known to mankind. Pomegranate juice contains more than 100 phytochemicals and has been used as a medicinal plant in different fields of science.
 pomegranate is one of the major sources of anti-oxidants. It has anti-aging properties, so much so, that it is used in cosmetics which cater to mature skin. Pomegranate is excellent for the skin and hair.People looking forward to losing weight must incorporate pomegranate iced green tea in their diet.The green tea and pomegranate together are a powerhouse of antioxidants which is sure to benefit your health on many different levels.

PREPARATION TIME: 15 mins        COOKING TIME: 0 mins            SERVING: 4


Boiling water 4 cups
Tea bags 4 
Pomegranate juice 1 cup
Sugar or honey 1/4 cup 
Mint leaves for garnish
Ice as required

  • Pour 4 cups of boiling water into a heat-resistant pitcher. Add 4 tea bags and let steep for 10 minutes.
  • Remove and discard the bags and allow the tea to cool to room temperature. Stir in the pomegranate juice and sugar. Refrigerate until ready to use. 
  • Pour over ice in an iced tea glass.
  • Garnish with pomegranate & mint leaves.

POMEGRANATE ICED TEA POMEGRANATE ICED TEA Reviewed by Cuisine Valley on June 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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